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Citation "ScEnEs"

The broad issuance of Kindness Citations by Law Enforcement to kind citizens is an innovative means of community policing designed to “change the paradigm” for the betterment of all. They are a catalyst for Law Enforcement to “See the Good” that defines our communities, and for our communities to “See the Good” that defines our law enforcement officers.

By citing citizens “caught in the act” of kind and productive behaviors through Kindness Citations, meaningful recognition is provided to celebrate those representing the best of our communities while fostering a “culture of kindness” through the reinforcement of desired behaviors that make our communities more vibrant.

Our Chief Kindness Chaser has “gone the extra mile” to issue an APB (All Points Bulletin) and BOLO alert to “be on the lookout” to catch kindness as it is happening! Someone in Law Enforcement might soon “See the Good” in you. It’s a kind world out there!

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